What Started as a game I presumed was going to be a bad Pokémon ripoff 10 minutes into it, turned out to be my current addiction and I’m busy reeling in a small cult to join me in playing Cassette Beasts in co-op as the multiplayer was announced not too long ago supporting up to 8 players.

The story starts where you find yourself stranded on a remote island which you realize early on is not only removed from the rest of the world but also reality. You enlist the powers of a cassette player to help you record and use the strange monsters you find on the island to find your way back to reality.

Cassette Beasts is the first game in a very long time that has had me gripped and makes me lose track of time. “Let me just record this beast” turns into 3+ hours of exploring and 1x angry girlfriend, I’m no mathematician but it adds up if you ask me. The game reminds me of the feeling I had as a kid playing Pokémon Ruby, just based on that it deserves all of the good ratings. The soundtrack alone makes the game worth playing and the battle music has now become my soundtrack to life as I can’t get the damn tune out of my head.

The one improvement I’d love to see is a better layout of the bestiary when it comes to the remastering(evolving). Being a lazy little shit, the only other issue I had with the game is walking all the way back to a boss fight from having been knocked out as the rest camps aren’t fast travel points but again that’s just me being lazy and I honestly don’t think it warrants a change.

All round the most fun I’ve had in a while. I’d definitely give it 4.5 Pombombs out of 5.